Reetzenstr. 1, 2. OG li
Mobile + 49 0176 68760779
Mobile + 45 24466424
cu Dr. Roland Spiehl
last updated 18.03.16 kl. 09.20
Some papers ...
D125 J. C.López, A. G. Lesarri, J. L. Alonso, R. Spiehl, and A. Guarnieri, The millimetre-wave spectrum of trimethylene sulphide Vibration-rotation coupling between the v = 2 and v = 3 ring-puckering excited states. Mol.Phys. 82, 283-302 (l994).
D87 Jose L. Alonso, Roland Spiehl, and Antonio Guarnieri, Juan C. Lopez, and Alberto G. Lesarri, The Centimeter and Millimeter Microwave Spectrum of Cyclobutanone. J.Mol.Spectros., 156, 341-359 (l992).
D23 R. Spiehl and A. Guarnieri, Millimeter Wave Spectrum and Centrifugal Distortion Analysis of Difluorochloromethane CHF2Cl in the Ground State. Z.Naturforsch., 45a, ll65-1168, (l990).
some photos of hikes ... fx. 3000km Barcelona -> Danmark 2011